Friday, May 4, 2007

2007 Whizbang Garden Cart Contest

Build A Whizbang Garden Cart And You’re Eligible to Win One of Eleven Gift Certificates to Seed Company Catalogs

Grand Prize: $100 gift certificate to Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Second Prize: $50 gift certificate to Fedco Seeds
Third Prize: $50 gift certificate to Seed Saver’s Exchange
Fourth Prize: $25 gift certificate to Seeds of Change
Fifth Prize: $25 gift certificate to Seeds of Change
Sixth Prize: $25 gift certificate to Heirloom Acres Seeds
Seventh Prize: $25 gift certificate to Heirloom Acres Seeds
Eighth Prize: $25 gift certificate to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Ninth Prize: $25 gift certificate to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Tenth Prize: $25 gift certificate to High Mowing Seeds
Eleventh Prize: $25 gift certificate to High Mowing Seeds

Here’s How to Enter The Contest
1.) Build your own Whizbang Garden Cart using the plans found in the book, Anyone Can Build a Whizbang Garden Cart

2.) Take a picture of your finished cart. The picture must show the cart in a natural setting (for example, a garden), and there must be at least one person in the picture.

3.) Do one of the following:

a) Send the picture of your cart, along with your name and address, by postal mail to: Whizbang Books, P.O. Box 1117, Moravia, NY 13118

b) Post the picture of your cart, along with a short explanation about it to your blog, web site, or another internet location with its own linkable internet web address. Then e-mail the location to: The link must be viewable until at least the end of 2007.

Contest Deadline
All entries for the 2007 contest must be received by December 1st of 2007.

Here’s How Winners Will Be Chosen
Everyone who enters the contest will have their name written on a slip of paper and put into a box. On December 31st of 2007, Prize winners will be picked at random as follows:

The Grand Prize and Second Prize winners will be picked from a box containing the names of people who posted their cart picture with an explanation about it to the internet.

Then, the remaining names in that box will be added to the box of names from people who sent their photo through the mail. From these two combined groups, the Third Place through Eleventh Place winners will be picked.

Announcing The Winners
Winners of the 2007 Whizbang Garden Cart Contest will be publicly announced on January first of 2008 at this blog and at The Deliberate Agrarian.

If you mail in your entry, you will receive notice of contest winners by mail in January of 2008. Winners will receive their prizes in January of 2008 (in plenty of time to order seeds, plants, or whatever you want for the 2008 planting season).

Other Important Details
--Those who enter this contest by posting an internet photo and commentary will be listed (with a link to their photo) at this blog.

--Any photos and comments received by mail may be used by Whizbang Books for marketing purposes.

--This cart contest, and the picking of all winners, will be conducted in a fair and honest manner. However, there will be no second or third party verification of the process. In other words, if you enter the contest, you must trust us to do it fairly.

--Whizbang Books reserves the right to substitute similar prizes of equal value for the prizes listed above.

--Only one entry per person or family is allowed.

--Entrants who do not win a prize in the 2007 Garden Cart contest may re-enter next year’s contest.

--Any questions about this contest and the rules should be directed to Whizbang Books. ( Whizbang Books reserves the right to modify these contest rules to further clarify them if needed.

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