David Larson in Connecticut has built himself a new Whizbang Garden Cart. As you can see from the pictures, it is a fine looking and very practical cart. Here are some comments excerpted from a couple of e-mails from David.
”Enclosed are a couple of photos of my Whizbang cart. As you can see,
my wife, Sandi, is enjoying the cart as well. I attached the legs on the
back with toggle head nuts so they can be easily removed and reaattached
via preexisting holes in the vertical position if needed.
I also created a workbench surface of 4 ft square plywood which collapses in
approx one half size by means of a piano hinge. It has two sets of ~2inch
square holes...one set is at the edge of the plywood allowing a flush fit at one
of the four sides; the other set is offset by 7 inches allowing a 7 inch overhang
on three of the four sides.
I must congratulate you on creating the finest set of plans I have ever seen. Once I rounded up the proper materials, I followed your plans almost to the letter and have been pleasantly surprised on how well everything has come together. Again, you have done a superlative job! Thank you!
I do believe your estimate of six hours to construct this wagon reflects your twenty years of carpentry expertise... It took me 2-3 times that and I have had some fair experience with woodworking projects. I am certainly not complaining....
I had a thoroughly great time with this project and am sure I will enjoy it for the next 40 years or so (I am only 66 yrs old at this point...).”
Nice job David. Thanks for the positive feedback and inspiring pictures. With only eight days until the 2008 Whizbang Garden Cart Contest deadline, you are officially entered. The drawing will be on January 1st 2009.
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